"Healthier Habits are a journey, not a destination..."
Hello you!
My name is Verena, your host at Habit Hut. No matter, if it is stress in your job, your private life or in general. I am by your side helping you to create and integrate healthier, happier habits into your every day.
Learn more about the name Habit Hut in my blog post.
My Journey
For the past years my life has been a jungle and I was very happy to have created healthier habits and routines that helped me to stay calm and focused to face the challenges that life was giving me.
Changing cities, changing careers, losing friends, the pandemic, unemployment, …
“Dream job, good salary, working remotely in the sun - It all looks good on paper, but in the evenings I am alone crying in my pillow.”
When a friend of mine told me this on a nice evening in her beautiful Air BnB in Tulum, Mexico, I noticed, even the “dream life” of a digital nomad has its own challenges:
establishing or keeping healthy habits while working remotely or traveling a lot for work
time management
setting healthy boundaries
coping with physical, emotional and mental stress
feeling connected
“Your demons always travel with you.”
Having traveled alone and lived this life, too, I could relate to her statement strongly. Yet, over the years I established habits that helped me cope with the challenges of an unstable lifestyle. I accepted my demons and learned to deal with them. I created routines and habits that are portable and can be easily integrated in any kind of lifestyle.
“Take good care of yourself.”
Connecting to myself physically/ on a physical level
Yoga and a bigger focus on my physical well being came into my life in my mid twenties. Me? Yoga? No way, I thought back then. But after two classes I was hooked on that healthy habit.
My yoga journey started with a prescribed therapeutic back training because my back was not used to the stress of an office job. Being the youngest in the group among mainly people over 50… and they were beating me in some exercises was very frustrating. The teacher encouraged me to join his yoga class, saying I might have a more positive experience there. And I did.
The main lesson he taught me:
“Everybody and every body is different. Every day is different.”
As simple as that. Accepting this and working with what I have is essential for me.
Connecting with myself on a physical level everyday. Checking in with my body: How do I feel? How is my energy level? What do I need? Using physical exercise as a door opener, my intuition being my best guide.
Connecting to myself emotionally/ on an emotional level
Coaching frequently helped me in my professional life. After one coaching, I even decided to see a therapist to dig deeper as I noticed I was physically unwell for no obvious reason. It turned out, that it was my mental fitness that caused it. The main lesson I learned:
“Listen to your gut feeling/ your intuition.”
As simple as that. Yoga, writing my morning pages and different mindfulness practices sharpened my intuition even more. Training my mental fitness daily, checking in with my emotions: How do I feel?What is triggering me? Why? How can I let go of negative thoughts, negative self-images?
“Who am I? What do I want? How can I serve?”
These three questions are with me for a while. The answers come and go. Yet, by now some answers remained.
And that is why I am offering you my guidance to create healthier moving habits aka yoga and improve your mental fitness aka mental habits.
You want to create healthier habits at work with your team? Let's talk about a workshop!
You want to know more about my professional background, check my LinkedIn profile.